Dementia Support Social and more at
The Burlington Care Home

Dementia Support Cheese and Wine Social

A lovely sunny Sunday afternoon was spent at the Cheese and Wine social which was to form The Burlington Dementia Support group for family members of residents. Families, residents and staff came together to get to know one another and to share their stories. It was a joyful afternoon and a good time was had by all.

Fabulous Friendships

Tender moments, pensive moments, caring moments and moments together - each day we make memories, there has been some wonderful friendships formed between residents and staff at The Burlington.

Happy Birthday Marc and Danielle

A very Happy Birthday to our wonderful Marc! Another stunning and special cake by Marie! Happy Birthday to the lovely Danielle our hairdresser who was working her magic and keeping everyone else happy on her special day!
Keeping fit, having fun and looking your best.Good times, great company! QuizTime, Band Fit class and Art & Craft

Ranu has an Exhibition of her Husbands Wonderful Painitngs

Our wonderful Ranu, invited us all for a private viewing of her husbands beautiful paintings she recently had hung in her room. A lovely time was spent appreciating the work and reminiscing of her life.

Family Visits, Nature Watch and Keeping Fit

Active days with music filling the air! A weekend of outings, visits, games and exercise and a few lovely sunny spells! Hangman, word games and Yoga We have some budding comedians and in mime and drama and Jim impressed us with the Game ‘Can You!’, doing 5 press ups! Some industrious craft work using jigsaw pieces to create a heart shape, Nature watch. Families, outings with them, staff appreciation and friendships make our world go around!