24th - 31st August at
The Burlington Care Home

Qi Gong and Zumba

Wonderful concentration and flowing movement from everyone learning new moves in Qi gong class. Another lovely afternoon for the garden club before the rain! The rest of the week was filled with various activities such as: Walks in the garden, Yoga, meditation, relaxation and ball balance classes. Competition was strong in both Quiz and Bingo! "Glad to see mum joining in x"
High energy and feel good vibes to ‘Bob Marley’ in the Zumba class with many residents standing to get full benefit of the dance moves. Tough Trivia quiz needed the whole team collaboration this afternoon as did a question of sport and Reminiscence.

Happy Birthday to our dear Marc

Residents and staff all had a great time celebrating Marc’s birthday with one of Marie’s heavenly cakes, with music and dancing. Moving to the beat to the best of the Bee Gees was very energising. Everyone enjoyed a movement that each participant came up with to work at. Great fun all round and some creative ideas and moves!

Italian Opera at The Burlington

Our Cruise to Italy began with Great Italian Opera music and stage performance moves and exercises. Live at the Opera with Harry had us all entranced this afternoon. Very special event. Thank you Harry!
"Loved it, his voice was amazing"; "Impressive. What a cruise!"
"We are one of your neighbours just over the fence behind where Harry was singing! We loved it too. What a fantastic singer."

Bank Holiday Crafts and Exercise

Bank Holiday started by getting into the mood, exercising to great music.
A very creative craft afternoon and bowls competition.